Make May count.
"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."
- Edwin Way Teale
May promised to be a special one yet again. In every meaning of that word. And here we are, first of May, let the magic begin.
A lot is happening in our life this month:
1. My man's birthday.
2. Moving in our first home together.
3. A trip to Amsterdam.
And who knows what else this month might bring, but whatever it might be - I am absolutely sure it will be fantastic 31 days.
First thing is first, (even thought it is not the first one to happen, but is definitely number one on my list) is my man's birthday. Oh we all have this struggle of finding the best present for our loved ones. We try hard to make them happy, to fill their special day with joy and smiles, and my man is not an easy one to please. I have been thinking about his birthday since winter, even though his birthday is in the end of May. I like to be organised, especially with important things like that so it was an absolutely normal thing for me to do, whereas anyone else may say that it is a bit silly. Being prepared for everything is "my thing". Don't judge. And look now, it is the fifth month of the year already! I swear it was February just yesterday! So as soon as I gave up on trying to figure out what kind of things my man would like to get, it hit me that it doesn't need to be "a thing". Whatever came up to my mind was never good enough for a birthday present. As a present for any other occasion - possibly. But not birthday. So I've decided to steal him from mundane life for three days. Put us on the plane and escape from stress, work, phone calls and emails and land in Amsterdam. Because why not.
If you ask me, I think that was one of the best ideas I've ever had. This will not be something that will be collecting dust on one of the shelves of our home or needed replacing after a year; It will be an experience you can't put in the drawer and forget - it will be memories, emotions, excitement. It will be special. I will make it special. So take my advice and create memories, share the new experiences with your other half and trust me, it is going to be worth it. Both of you will have something to talk about many years down the line. Something to smile about. So if you can do it - pack a bag, book a flight and go on an adventure.
Here is where second exciting thing of the month comes from - Amsterdam. I have never travelled in my life. Ever. Never experienced a holiday as most of people know it. So while getting my man a birthday present, I was giving myself a chance to experience travel. It wasn't an easy mission for me as I barely had a clue about what I was doing and where to look and what to do, but if I managed to find something good on my own so can anyone else. It was quite awkward as well doing it on my phone sitting right across my man on the sofa and looking through good deals I can find while he was distracted by talking to his friend via Xbox. Hilarious, I know, But I did it and I am very excited for this experience. I am sure I will have a lot to write about after this little getaway, so I am ready to write long paragraphs about how life is amazing. #positivevibes
And the third thing on my list, but definitely not the last thing by importance is moving in with the love of my life in our own house. It feels so unreal and makes me smile very time I think about it. I have never even dared to dream about having a house to call my own, A house I will share with the man of my dreams and make everything about it special - because its ours. Moving date is set, excitement is overflowing and I just cant wait to start arranging the room decorations, wall colours, furniture and get every little thing its own place. I hope he is excited as well. I know we will be happy in our new home. I just know it.
As for the little things there are so many friends' birthdays to remember, anniversary cards to send out, mother's day to celebrate and so on that I will definitely not be bored this month. It is just something about month May in my life that makes everything right. My both best friends in life were both born in May, the man I love more than life was born in May, my chubby little dog was born in May, Every little thing that made me happy at some point in life was connected to the month May. So thank you, May, for being nice to me. Keep up the good work and I wont let you down by saying you are definitely one of my top favourite things in life.
So keeping on smiling, thinking positive thoughts and sharing my love with the world. Make May count. It might be The One for you too.
PS. Buy tulips for your living room. It turns the mood around and makes everything sunnier and full of spring.
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