Paint September.

Hello September.

How can you not like Autumn? I think I am most productive at this time of the year, and the deeper it gets into being dark and cold, the more inspired  I feel to do things that inspire me most. It used to be my writing/painting season. In the whole year have never created as many paintings as in one month  of Autumn. (Speaking of which I still have one unfinished project waiting for me). So in other words - I am all for everything Autumn. Bring on scented candles, cosy evenings with a hot cup of tea, boots, coats, Halloween, love it all. Today I am writing this at 11PM on a Friday evening all covered in paint and trying not to panic over the fact that I have so much to do but so little time before I need to go to bed since I have another long day tomorrow. Who paints the walls at 10PM in the evening? I will tell you who - the same person who instead of completing her endless list of tasks closed her eyes for 5 minutes only after work on the sofa and woke up at 9:20PM. For the record that happens more that I would like to admit. #NapQueen 

Either way, my September ended up starting off very busy not just at work but also with my personal goals. I have committed myself to go back to refurbishing the house, so looking for inspiration everywhere I am, writing down ideas, taking pictures of the colours and doing my best to make it happen. I have started a Spanish September goal with my Spanish friend who agreed to help me out on restoring my language skills. Since I have not spoken a single ford in Spanish for years, I decided it is time to refresh the memory so the point of the Spanish September is for her to give me one word a day to learn and preferably use during that day a few times with her. Today's word was - Altavoz - which means speaker. She will be testing my accent skills as well and this is where it will be a challenge. We will see what will come out of this challenge. I will record every word I learn in the bullet journal and will have to have a full on report post here in the end of the month. maybe in Spanish? Haha... No. Not that skilled.

I am still struggling with the allergies more than ever and getting very fed up with it. It literally does not let me breathe like a normal human being and I cannot understand what is triggering it since I can be OK one moment and absolutely struggling within a minute, in the same environment with the same conditions surrounding me I find it very odd but I have no idea why this is happening, so that is on my to do list to sort out. Health is something you don't need to take lightly, and I don't want to feel like I cannot breathe every so often and I don't even know why.

So I am done with applying Cookie Dough colour to my spar room walls, also covered myself in the said paint which did make me look as a construction worker on a busy afternoon. The blue-ish walls turned soft beige colour and finally match the rest of the furniture and decor. Will have to put a full action plan in place for our bedroom though since everything in it will need re-touching, replacing or re-painting. Hopefully my September will keep on being as productive as the first day was. Paint your September.


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