People Will Always Be People.
Would not quite call it a summary of the first month of 2018, but it will sure feel like I want to look back on this month just to see how great it was. Because it was.
As everyone else on this planet, I walked in to 2018 full of ideas, hopes and dreams and I have been doing great to keep going forward with good habits and motivation. Yes, of course I had days when I ignored my own rules and there were days when I was questioning everything I am doing and the reason for things happening around me. But that is what makes life - you don't live every day absolutely the same.

But I am happy. And today I am feeling even happier than a month ago, and I am determined to only make my life happier with every month to come. If you want to know what exactly made me so happy then I will tell you:
1. Doing what I love.
As simple as that, I had time to spend on myself a bit more this year. Maybe not as much as I would wish to have but much more than I used to have last year. I come home and I read, I listen to my favourite music, I buy flowers for myself and light scented candles and I could not wish for anything more peaceful than this.
A few things happen that I would rather not happen. But I put on my brave face and I deal with it as it comes. Especially work - I stopped bringing work home simply because it is not the atmosphere in which I want to live in - constant stress and issues of other people. And I think my team sense that as well somehow because I stopped getting hundreds of messages per evening in regards to work issues ( unless it is urgent, then it is totally cool). which keeps me quite relaxed... Well, most of the time. One thing I must mention is that I have set myself a lot of work related goals - just to prove that I can be great. Not quite sure who am I proving it to, but I myself am definitely on that list.
2. Working on projects.
Personally, I have postponed this one way too many times to count. Even this month - waited until almost the end of the month. But we began making decisions that have an effect on our life one way or another. We got new carpets for the house, we decided how to invest our money in life/holiday relation, we made plans on what we want to see happening in short term and long term and all this within one month.
Work on you projects, no matter how big or small they are in relations to what anyone else is doing. Someone will probably always be one step ahead but a lot more will be 10 steps behind just because they are not brave enough to start aiming for the stars.
3. People will always be people.
I do not expect anyone to be my friend forever. All I can offer is my sincere support and advise but I do not expect anything back. I was angry at people who I thought were my friends for the things they said but then I thought - why am I worried about it? If they are willing to throw our friendship out of the window I am not willing to dive right after it. Not getting back to them, I just do my thing and leave them boil in their negativity. So I wear my crown proud and live my life like I want to live it - doing my best at everything I do - and not giving anyone a chance to come around and try to ruin it for me.
What I am trying to say with this is DO YOU. No matter where you are and who is looking. Yes it will be hard, but who said happiness is easy. Forget fake people, just be true for you, not for anyone else. Take in every day as a new lesson and keep going forward into Chapter Two of 2018.
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